Thursday, June 15, 2017

A grain of rice by itself is a grain of rice

A grain of rice by itself is a grain of rice
Add chicken, peas, and spices and what do you get?


 Brian Lewis (President),
Dr. Terry Ali (Vice President),
Diane Henderson (Vice President),           
Ephraim Serrette (Vice President

Curtis Nero (Treasurer),
Annette Knott (Secretary General),
Nadine Seemungal (Assistant Secretary General),

Reyah Richardson (Executive member),
Giselle La Ronde-West (Executive Member),
Wendell Constantine (Executive Member).

Racquel Moses (Trustee)
Dave Williams (Trustee),

This is the recently elected T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) Executive Committee members.
They were installed at the Office of His Excellency President Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona O.R.T.T .S.C. in St. Ann’s.
Is this Preparing the aforementioned ingredients for an outcome?

TTOC President, Brain Lewis told the newly installed executive officers that they were taking office with the country facing very tough economic circumstances;
But notwithstanding the tough times the transformation and recreating a modern, relevant, dynamic Olympic Committee must continue.
 Wrong! There must be change to best practices of Governance within this organization.
“We have taken an oath of office, while I commend you for accepting the responsibility.
I also caution you that it is not one that should be taken lightly.
As the leader of the Olympic Movement, I remain deeply committed to remain athletes youth centered.”
Based on the RIO fiasco narrative by Richard Thompson, Emmanuel Callendar, Jarrim Solomon, Mike Thomas, Njisane Phillips, Kelly-Ann Baptiste, LaLonde Gordon, Keston Walcott, Michelle –Lee Ahye, etc.

No TTOC funding assistance to date!  Isn’t there an alleged welfare fund?

Would this be a fair call, to ask if this behavior qualifies as Athlete centered?
Not really! This is the remit of the Sportt Company /The Ministry of Sports, is it not? 
Then where does the TTOC/NAAA fit?
If the answer is yes, commit to making the necessary changes; if the answer is no, let it go.

Is this  real?
Rio (w)rap: TTOC boss on athlete funding, CANOC and 10 gold medals for 2024
Lasana Liburd Sunday 12 March 2017 Rio 2016 26 Comments

Wired868: I know athletes talk about preparation money all the time and then there is the matter of Ministry of Sport funding. Can you give an idea of how much financial support there actually is?
Lewis:   “As I said, again, again, I don’t want to get into that.’

Confucius: To see what is right and not to do it is to lack courage or principle”

Lewis continues: “I mean, I’m being very candid and if it’s you’re going to slant to that, I not going down that road.
What I do know is that athletes have attempted to access the Athlete Welfare Fund.”
“It is well established there have been some challenges that are tied into the overall economy and the current PS, etcetera, have been very insistent upon sticking to the policy guidelines and the necessary providing documentation and proof of use and that’s just the reality of the situation.’
Where we have been able to assist to complement certain gaps we have really tried to do it.”
Is this a reason for smart people in T&T to Challenge the Ridiculous positions taken by Pseudo leaders?

The Leadership Insiders network in T&T is a closed community with sports, education and by extension other business organizations maintaining individual institutional cabal relationship.

Is this behavior mooring the most thoughtful and influential people in business organization in T&T?

The power of perpetual habit provides rhetorical answers to timely questions about careers and leadership without the slightest regard for performance and data based argumentation for implementation.

Theoretically, anyone can challenge the leadership.
Letters expressing sentiments, contrary views and even possible solutions can be presented for consideration.

Practically, however, challenging Leadership is tantamount to challenging the status quo and this realisation ends the war before it starts.

For a challenge to gain momentum and be successful it has to possess personal appeal.
It must be personally affecting the challenger; while there are those who challenge anything they perceive to be unacceptable, regardless of the seemingly difficult or impossible task,

There are those who are prepared to lend only moral support.
Challenging the leadership appears even more insurmountable when one perceives the complexity of legal and constitutional hurdles.
Here’s where our statesmen stand up to be counted.
Those who ignore obstructions and obstructionists and pursue their causes to the end. - Commitment, self-confidence and a touch of selflessness are needed here.

 Popular support thrives on apparent success.
Others would be more likely to come on board when the movement is up and running and seemingly feasible.

OAJ having read this article said :  “Your sentiments expressed are objective and readily resonates with the reality of existing situations but “who will bell the cat” and further “how will he bell the cat?”.

Support is vital. A grain of rice by itself is a grain of rice but gather enough together and you can provide a meal.
It is hoped that the meal is not trip intended or an outreach for political leverage based on the composition of the TTOC’s 2017 Executive.

President of the TTOC in a previous article said: “Criticism is criticism, is it constructive or destructive depends on how you interpret it. The key question is, can I use this information to better myself and the lives of others?”

So true! Then if the answer is yes, commit to making the necessary changes; if the answer is no, let it go.

An interview on “Wired 868” When The interviewer Lasana Liburd asked the TTOC President:
Wired868: What are the criteria for receiving funding from the Olympic Athlete Welfare Preparation Fund? Do all Olympians get it? How do you gauge a promising athlete?

Examine the answer: Does it qualify as the highest form of bureaucratic stonewalling by the TTOC President?

Lewis: “Well, what we have done is:”
“We would have based it on those who are attempting to qualify.
It would have been a complement to what is out there in the system.
So there are athletes we would have supported from the Pan Am Games coming forward and we have attempted…

I mean, when you go out into specifics everybody can say: well, okay pick a hole there, pick a hole there.
Between the Michael Johnson Performance Workshop and that, the Olympic Committee has tried to help as best as we could.”

The story of the con artist may be unmatched for combining human interest with insight into human nature. The grain of rice!

Trinidad & Tobago athletics need help! RIO! Carifta ! Pan Am! All sent a clear message.
“Sometimes it’s easier for other people to see what we can’t see ourselves and it’s worth taking the time to listen.”

At the end of the day, what would the added ingredients turnout to be?

“By listening you get a new perspective and step outside the box of excuses and failure habits.”

“There will be praises and criticisms but every praise and every criticism carries the seed of growth and progress”
Nice quotes from TTOC President.
Dr.Cliff Bertrand