Tuesday, March 28, 2017

School violence in Trinidad & Tobago (Part 1)

School violence in Trinidad & Tobago (Part 1)

Violence refers to harmful behaviors that can start early and continue into young adulthood.
The young person can be a victim, an offender, or a witness to the violence.

The following newsmaker capsules the aforementioned statement:

Recently  ... Four female Mayaro Secondary School students who were involved in fracas last Tuesday could now face expulsion, Education Minister ...

Youth violence includes various behaviors. Some violent acts—such as bullying, slapping, or hitting—can cause more emotional harm than physical harm.
Others, such as robbery and assault (with or without weapons) can lead to serious injury or even death.
“Missing Waterloo Secondary School student “J B”, 16, was found dead yesterday in a storm drain located behind the school. “

The ultimate goal should be to stop youth violence before it starts!

The NYC Board of Education public school system
I having worked as an administrator in the NYC BD of Ed public school system, I was in charge of a High School with a school population of little over 4,000 students.

These students move to their assigned classes every 35 minutes, through 5 floors, within a time frame of 5 minutes without incidents.
This WAS no miracle! It has to do with having a “school safety plan” in place which WAS not reactive.

Secondary Schools in Trinidad Tobago
Three years ago, I visited a Secondary School in the county of St. George. The total school population was under 900 persons which included pedagogical and non-pedagogical staffs.

The compound was like down town Fredrick Street at any time of day.
You have over 169 Secondary Schools in Trinidad Tobago. I observed a school operating in prime time without a safety plan. Even “crazy ants” have a sense of purpose and direction. This school had nothing in place to handle the situation!

I mentioned it causally to a member of the Ministry of Education staff with the ability “to make a phone call”. The response was to write a proposal. This is the norm!         
 I was not looking for a job, but, I got the message.

However, since the ultimate goal is to stop youth violence before it starts.

Mendler and Curwin. when addressing  school discipline

 I choose to share an article on discipline which might bear fruits. There are  several prevention strategies which have been identified by Mendler and Curwin. When addressing school discipline, one focuses on “challenging” children. I went through a long internal process of reflection ON MY DAY AS AN ADMINISTRATOR IN THE NYC PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM.

What have I learned that is new TO T&T “KNOW IT ALLS?”
What could I share that has not already been shared?
 Do I know more Theoretical and practical applications of FUNCTIONAL strategies and methods THAN the T&T PLANNERS?


 Are there ANY PRACTICAL school discipline program APPLICATIONS Or new frameworks, organizing concepts, or structures IN the educational system of  T&T IN PLACE?
 SHOULD MY NEW PERCEPTION OF THE SUPERVISOR 3’S DISCUSSION  change MY fundamental beliefs in a substantial way  TO BENEFIT T&T?

There is a process”

 How do I confront this elite body of influencers with something new to the appetite of THEIR ingrained COLONIAL PALATE FOR change? Why try?  “There is a process” in place! (Hurdle).
When I tried to answer these and other questions, the word change resurfaced in neon lights, but, this is what I have been trained to do!  - Therefore, without trying to dent anyone’s reputation or showcase the folly of their mental ATTITUDE toward processing relevant information.

Visible Blockades of their Insecurities

I came to the understanding that the most significant issue was change itself. My intent should not be guided by the visible blockades of their insecurities.
My intent was to share how  traditional approaches to discipline has changed and how it is the belief that schools and teachers  behaviors surfaces in their body language. That visualization must change in order to create change in a most challenging way, for those students who are most resistant to change.

Schools are for children

THE fundamental beliefs and construct of education thinkers have remained the same over the years. IT IS THE belief that:
Schools are for children, not for the cynical, whimsical ego trips of staff, teachers, and administrators.
It is the enlightened belief that students must always be treated with dignity, as people who would cement the inheritances and become worthy  citizens of emulation as adults.
Teaching students how to be responsible should be the core of any discipline program in T&T.


That all students are equally important, even the most difficult ones. The perception of the good, the bad, the ugly and disabled, must be modified.
Even though our “COLONIAL” principles have remained unchanged in T&T, former Prime Minister Dr. Eric Williams, informed us that “The day for Massa done.” The way we apply the “Massa” concept evolved over the
years into pride, dignity and equality.


For example, we once rejected punishments as theoretically incompatible with dignity and useless as a practical strategy.
We in T&T have inherited and maintained the “COLONIAL CONCEPT” that punishment can help as a deterrent to misunderstood patterns of behavior. There is the perpetual belief that, with a small percentage of children, “blows” is the only remedy if not applied to their body, would otherwise perpetuate misguided behavior across the line into dangerous behavior.  

Discipline with respect for humanity.

Challenges youthful misbehavior without the lambasting body language attitudes of a slave master this one of  a number of new concepts and strategies FOREIGN TO the T&T behavioral landscape . The application of discipline have evolved around efforts to find better ways to help teachers help themselves and by extension their most misbehaviorally challenging students.
Includes showing the difference between their effort and their consummate achievement.


1-Crisis Strategies

Are concern with restoring order when chaos occur. The primary goal is to ensure safety and survival.
Crisis plans are designed to address classroom or school moments in which events need to be handled on the spot. Preparing for a possible crisis involves studying the dynamics of the situation and practicing probable responses. Here you are not trying to solve the problem that comes later. You are trying to stop the crisis or keep it from escalating. Example: Mayaro Secondary School.

2-Short- term strategies

Are designed to defuse classroom escalation, and to ensure that power struggles are handled effectively.
Short-term strategies are designed to stop misbehavior while preserving the dignity of the student and teacher.
The goal of short-term strategies is to redirect the energy of the class back to instruction so that little time is lost.

3- Long –term strategies

Have a more preventive focus, in that the educator learns why students misbehave and what to do to make school sufficiently satisfying so that misbehavior is unnecessary.

The capacity of human beings to change

Working successfully with difficult youth requires an unflagging belief in the capacity of human beings to change.
The wise, caring adult refuses to give up and understands that he or she can influence behavior by offering genuine moments of appreciation and support.
Recent research noted that teachers fail to recognize 95 % of all appropriate behaviors.
The significance of this finding is profound. It suggests that all educators should try to find several additional moments every day in which they notice accomplishments, identify behaviors they admire, and focus on small gains in a targeted behavior.

Many teachers who make a targeted effort to share positive, interactive moments with challenging students have reported substantial improvements in the students’ behavior.
It is just as important to focus specific behavior when you discipline a student as when you praise the student’s achievement.

When educators need to correct student behavior, they should focus on the specific behavior while providing alternative s that explains the personal and social benefits of responding in a more pro-social way.
 For example “Bill, I can listen to what you want much better when you talk to me rather than yell at me.”
Long-term strategies can grow from a basic needs paradigm (Brendtro, Brokenleg, & Van Brockern, 1990; Glasser, 1998; Maslow, 1968; Mendeler, 1992), in which educational experiences and inactive moments are guided by strengthening of each need.

Long-term strategies

Require that educators understand and be guided by these basic needs when they arrange classroom experiences and learning activities.
For example, an educator can search for ways to increase a sense of belonging by arranging activities that require student s to do m meaningful things together.
Structuring cooperative learning activities is one way of addressing the need for belonging. 

Dr. Cliff Bertrand

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Strengthen the Teacher Preparation Programs in T&T

Strengthen the Teacher Preparation Programs in T&T

Ministry of Education Priority List

Educators in Trinidad & Tobago today have opportunities and challenges that are unparalleled.

An Examination of the teaching methods and techniques of instruction in schools are essential.

The Ministry of Educations’ priority list claims to:
“Ensure that the education and training of our teachers is adequate to meet the challenges that face our young people, including penetration of foreign cultures, technological devices and social media.”

There is no doubt that each generation of teachers has made this claim, to bolster their professional skills.

However, A number of factors indicated that the present and immediate future are among the most significant and critical times ever faced by T&T’s teaching profession.

The Ministry of Education prioritize list also claims that it is their objective to
“Provide clear prospects for advancement by all teachers in their career and profession.” 

The aforementioned impression solidifies the fact that more than at any time in our history, the climate for educational research, reform and experimentation is highly desirous.

The Ministry projects a priority to
“Develop and encourage a culture of research and development in all tertiary level institutions, both public and private.” 

Quality of Education

The quality of Education is of special interest to all nationals at home and abroad.
 If it is properly bolstered and accentuated, this curiosity can bring substantial support and satisfaction to everyone.

The public at large generally accepts as normal the Ministry of Education’s autonomy on efforts to try new ideas.

Those in the academic persuasions and in the profession at large usually demonstrate renewed interest in the Primary and Secondary schools curriculums. The Ministry’s effort here is to:
“Ensure that our school curriculum and teaching methods are relevant and continuously updated and lead to innovation, entrepreneurship and wealth creation.” 

Development of Quality of Education

Be this as it may, teachers are predisposed to support any development of new and more tolerable programs, instead of the existing ones.
Potential resources for upgrading the quality of instruction are enormous.

The Ministry proposes to
“Ensure that our system of education at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, prepares our young people for the challenging world of science and technology.”

The reality before us is that, we live in a historical landscape marked by technological advancements.

This pushes the capabilities of man beyond his identifiable imagination.
The Ministry’s compass is set to:
“Ensure that our system of education at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, prepares our young people for the challenging world of science and technology.” 

Unfortunately, the comprehensive technological advancements have not been comparably absorbed or matched by the educational teaching techniques and methods in the teacher training program in T&T.

The Ministry’s ambition is to -
“Ensure that all students in all schools have free and easy access to fast Broadband Internet in all schools (not just laptops).”

With over 18,000 Primary School Students taking the SEA annually, this systemic input has a major impact upon schools.
 It has created a situation which has quantitative and qualitative implications for teachers.  It provides deathtraps and benedictions at the same time.

Whether the great numbers of students will become more a risk or more a consecration will depend on how adequately teachers develop adaptability in themselves and their profession.

Correspondingly educators face external pressure; while internal insurrection is happening in the curriculum.
The Mobilization of the artistic community to take a leadership role in cultural diversification and cultural education may redirect and defuse teacher anxieties.

Vitalize the Stadia of Teaching

Teachers in all subject areas need to modify their interpretations about their disciplines more abruptly and hastily than before.
This element symbolizes a tremendous challenge, but it can also be part of a greater opportunity to strengthen, enrich, and vitalize the stadia of teaching.

The Ministry must now
“Foster, develop and encourage best practices in the administration of the educational system.” 

Although the battle for quantity education has not been entirely met, the primary demand today is for improvement in the quality of education at the end of the day, the MINISTRY is urged to
“Equip all schools to benefit from technological innovations.”

“Ensure that all students in all schools have free and easy access to fast Broadband Internet in all schools (not just 2006 laptops).”

With a School system trying to educate over 600,000 students daily calls for a practical and structural commitment for active reform.
This requires a search for an examination of the teaching methods and techniques of instruction to strengthen the teacher preparation programs in T&T.

Adapt to New Procedures

Teachers have been slow to adapt to new procedures, sometimes because of the political landscape, personal reluctance and insecurity fostered by a lack of appropriate training, preparation and resources and employment contracts.

Just as most teachers have been stifled by the T&T system of traditional regimentation of classroom operatives, so too the student has been handicapped.

No longer should students be restricted to learning what is possible within the limits of the ability and knowledge of the teacher. This repetitious behavior should be discouraged.

Teachers have too long controlled and inhibited the extent of students’ progress.

Such a situation is incomprehensible, for it has been considered an adversarial reflection on the teacher, if a student’s brilliance exceeded him in any respect.

Learn to Assess and Accept

However, the teacher should accept more readily the role of facilitator of learning.

In this capacity, the teacher provides the ways and means, and hopefully the reasons, but definitely not the boundaries of his students’ goals.

Once teachers and learners abandon the idea that the limits of learning are personified by the teacher, a more fruitful relationship and learning situation can co-mingle.

T&T Teachers must learn to assess and accept new programs more rapidly.

There is no justification for the longtime lag between the discovery of new methods and materials and their application throughout the profession.

There is a real need to initiate research techniques as a relevant tool in T&T schools.

Teacher involvement in solving critical glitches in education can be one of the motivating factors for the horizon of the critical thinking landscape of teaching methods in T&T.

Actual participation in research hastens the discovery of answers. But more importantly, it drastically reduces the time required to put these answers to productive educational consumption.

However, this in no way replaces the laboratory and technical studies, which must continue; but it can bridge the gap between the science of education and the artistry of the prepared teacher. 

Consider the prevailing landscape where access to varied methods and aids is easily available through the internet.

Consider the parallel situation where some schools are not capable of accessing the net.

The laptop fiasco as perpetrated by previous administrations was doomed to failure from inception as no provision was made to integrate the laptop into the main stream of the learning/teaching environment of schools as they are presently configured.

There is a dire need for teachers to be able to utilize technology in the classroom of the teaching/learning progression.

Each school should be outfitted with properly functioning computer labs and individual classrooms with internet access: Guided by a competent facilitator.

Dr Cliff Bertrand
Former NYC Board of Education Administrator

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Domestic Violence Act, “Family Offenses Proceedings”

T&T PM defends domestic violence statement

(Trinidad Guardian) "Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley says his statements on domestic violence during his 'Conversation with the Prime Minister' were misinterpreted by some groups, who are now claiming he blamed murder victim Jamilia De Revenaux for the heinous act that took place at MovieTowne on Sunday.” Starbrock News.

Lasana Liburd posted in Wired868.com.
February 16 at 10:16am

“Women’s groups: Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s statement on domestic violence might be true; but it is not the whole story. And therein lies the danger!”

Women’s groups: PM’s comment not whole story | The ...

Two women’s groups say the danger in Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s off-the-cuff comment on domestic violence is ... Dr Keith Rowley

Trinidad Guardian: Published February 15, 2017.

Mahabir-Wyatt on domestic violence: Man up and deal with it 

Trinidad Guardian: published February 2017. 
“83 women and children were murdered in 2016.”
“19 of these murders were as a result of domestic violence.”

Trinidad Guardian Published: Monday, March 6, 2017

Diego Martin marches against domestic violence

“There have been over 11,000 reports of domestic violence in the Diego Martin district over a five-year period.
The figure was given by Diego Martin Regional Corporation “Chair.
“Statistics gathered from 2010 to 2015 revealed that 11,441 cases of domestic violence were reported to the police.”

In cases of allegations of domestic violence
 The Domestic Violence Act, Chapter 45:56, is the prevailing legislation to provide immediate relief under the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago
and section 3 of that legislation domestic violence includes “includes physical, sexual, emotional, psychological or financial abuse committed by a person against a spouse, child, any other person who is a member of the household or dependant,”

 Section 21 of the Domestic Violence Act sets out the powers of the police in dealing with allegations of domestic and it also provides a description of their investigative process.

 Any proposed changes to such powers must include input from the Police Service, Police Complaints Authority, the Ministry of National Security, The Attorney General, civil society organizations and any other government agencies.

Feb 14, 2017 ... Sunity Maharaj, managing director of the Lloyd Best Institute of the West Indies, yesterday called on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to focus on ...

 Any consideration to amend the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act must include the amplification of the existing powers of the police notably the type of protection of signs of violence and strengthen the police's responsibility to investigate domestic violence as a crime.
The Act already makes provision for the issuance of a protection order within the circumstances set out in the provisions of the Act.

The Domestic Violence Act does grant a Magistrate the power to issue a protection order, 
it describes the categories of persons entitled to such order, the conditions under which such order may be issued, the circumstances under which an interim order may be issued and the issuance of warrant to enter the premises where violence is perpetrated and/or arrest of the perpetrator of the acts of violence.

This Act must Provide for civil proceedings to obtain injunctive relief –“orders of protection”: from physical or psychological abuse of one family member by another.

 The Family  Court Act. Orders of protection and interim , ex parte and inter-prates  party orders of protection are available also as collateral relief in Family  Court which adjudicates on applications of support, paternity, custody, persons in need of supervision, and child protective proceedings, in  matrimonial actions, and in criminal prosecutions proceedings in the Magistrates Court and the High Court.

The government articulated  [1]  its intent to create a civil alternative to criminal prosecution in which “Hands-on help” and “Pacification procedures” will be accessible.

The Family Court First established as a Pilot Project in 2004,
The Family Court has jurisdiction over specific family matters at the High Court and Magistrates’ Court levels.

The Court adopts a participatory approach in dispute resolution and, therefore, is a special problem solving Court, intended to develop, implement and evaluate alternative approaches and improve services to citizens seeking help from the Judiciary in dealing with family disputes.

The geneses and role of the Family Court is explained on the judiciary’s website ttlawcourts.org
An excerpt of the role is as follows:
“The philosophy of the Family Court is "to encourage the parties to resolve their family disputes themselves with specialist assistance and support where ever necessary".

It is the intent of the Court to administer justice in family matters in a manner that is less adversarial and more conciliatory.

The purpose is to provide families with support while they seek solutions. For some, this will mean counselling, for others a process of mediation where alternatives can be considered.

The focus is placed on finding solutions rather than on conflict.

The objective is to encourage parties to formulate their own outcomes when possible, but with the understanding that the Court will keep the process moving and will make decisions when necessary.

It is a system, which adopts a holistic approach to resolving family disputes and embraces legal, psychological and social issues.
However this court is constantly monitored, and continues to evolve in its quest to provide the best possible service.”

The Family Court is a superior court of record, but it does not exclusively deal with criminal matters, although at times allegations of domestic violence may arise in family matters proceedings and the court may refer the matter for the consideration of the police and the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The Family court was given exclusive, original jurisdiction over all acts of violence, threats of violence, and acts of intimidation. Except attempted murder, murder and sex crimes between adult family members.      
The Criminal proceedings are dealt with in the Magistrates Court and High Court.  

The Magistrate Courts adjudicate on summary and triable either way criminal matters or indictable offences are decided in the High Court.

The Criminal Court could exercise jurisdictions over the specified offenses only when the Family Court removed a matter to the Criminal Court.

Data shows that “spouse abuse “is more precisely pigeonholed as “woman abuse”.
At times, it may be viewed that the civil and criminal justice systems, , Social justice, [2] and Medical professionals perpetuate violence when they accept abusers’ justifications and denials, and, therefore, refuse relief and protection to intimidated and injured wives.

Battered women are treated frequently as though they are responsible for causing violence.
They are subjected to the same destructive victim-blaming impudence as rape victims are often being asked, “What did you do to provoke the situation?”  

The vindicated abusers are reinforced in their belief that they are legalized to use violence to punish their “maladroit” wives.
Their wives learn that they have no alternatives but to suffer physical and psychological abuse.

In fact, violent people always precipitate the violence.
 Belligerents may blame the victims for their action, or claim intoxication (drunkenness) and loss of self-control as a defense strategy.
Research has shown that many violent men are in control of their actions when they attack their wives. [3]

They use violence instrumentally, to achieve a definite end, and to sustain control in their relationships.

Abusive spouses may often deny that violent acts occurred; they minimalize the gravity of the violence and its’ consequential damages.
Women may respond to their partners’ effort to shift responsibility for the violence by focusing on their own behavior.

In the early stages of the violent act, they may “acknowledge” that they were stressed, unsuccessful at domestic housework, to include timely food preparation of their husbands’ favorite foods.

Some women change their own routine in an attempt to stem their husbands’ onslaught of violence.

When the curative effort fails to end their husbands’ violent acts, women may seek help from the courts.

The initial step in representing a maltreated woman is to believe her. She may have been subjected to prolonged, serious physical and psychological abuse’.

Her story may seem bizarre, but it is likely to be entirely true. Her judgement should be trusted.
 She is the only expert concerning her husbands’ behavior patterns, although she may err on the side of attaching too much power to her husband.
She may believe that her husband may undermine  court proceedings, by intimidating potential witnesses and coercing them  to commit perjury for him.

The battered woman’s choice of remedy is based upon how long she has suffered, how serious the violence or psychological terror has become the types of help she sought, and the previous responses she received.
She is a person going through the process of trial and error to determine a solution appropriate to her situation.

She is the only one in a position to make a cost-benefit analysis of her marriage, its value to her and the children, and it’s prospective for change.

The family violence victim needs information and permissible representation.
Although the “correct” resolution seems obvious to her attorney, the battered woman may reject it.

The message: Domestic abuse is never acceptable

 It is her right to make her own choices with dignity that must be respected.

It is extremely difficult to make even minor changes in one’s life: stopping smoking; exercising more; losing weight; waking up early, when there is no crisis.

It is far more difficult to terminate a marriage submerged in the crisis of domestic violence, and relocate children from home and schools.           
 Objectively, divorce is pauperizing for older women and custodial parents.

Women’s earnings are not analogous to men’s incomes.

Income inequality in T&T an issue says Farrell

 The divorce options, therefore, may be impractical when financial benefits will be lost. The remedies selected must be viable for the client.

The NY State  legislature responding to persisting weaknesses in the family laws by enacting significant modification of the stature scheme for orders of protection in 1994,and 1996 [4].

 The prohibitions against simultaneous or subsequent family court and criminal court proceedings concerning the same act, formerly contained in criminal procedure law § 100.07 and family court Act §§ 813 [5], and 845,were repealed.

 Thus, simultaneous criminal prosecution and civil proceedings for an order of protection may be undertaken, similar to child protective proceeding which may proceed in both forums concurrently. [6]

The Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago provides an accountable ... alternative approaches and improve ... environment as criminal matters and regular civil..

[2]  The functional use for this article of Social Justice is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary: Abridged Seventh Edition: “Social Justice, justice that conforms to a moral principle, such as that all people are equal.”  Also termed justice in rem.Cf. personal justice.

[3]  Trinidad and Tobago - state.gov


Trinidad and Tobago ... by the High Court. Both civil and criminal appeals           may be filed with the local court ... to more speedily and efficiently create a...

[4]   C.222, L.1994; Executive Memorandum, Family Protection and Domestic      Violence Intervention Act of 1994,Mckinney’s Sessions Law at A-895.

[5]   Annual report of the judicial conference of the state of new York, 1972-3,page 350.

[6]   C.416,l.1980,mckinney’s sessions law 1980,at a-329

Dr.Cliff Bertrand