The Sports Company is classified as “A Special Purpose Organization”; this means that it can be dissolved at any time without notice or explanation by the Government in power.
The IAAF and the IOC mandate policy of Non-Governmental Interferences in the Sporting business of their affiliates. This is clear!
Why then wouldn’t the government want to own a sports company, when this is a business enterprise?
The opportunities provided for the possible fueling of funds in a non-monitored partnership relations.
1. The government as the sole sponsor of the sports company.
2. The Minister of Sports said: The Ministry of Sports will show its affiliates how to conduct sporting affairs.
Is there the possibility of seamlessly melding two postural positions?
Recent statements by the Minister of Sports leaves a lot to be desired.
From this We ask: Should a Government have a vision for Sport development in this country?
If "Yes”; Then; how would this policy be developed to be in compliance with the IAAF and IOC mandate of Non –Governmental Interference?
Conversely, entities as:
1. A Sports Commission in Australia,
2. The Sports Development Foundation in Jamaica,
3. Canada’s amateur sport system
Have successfully set a direction for all governments, institutions and organizations to make sure sport has a positive impact on the lives of their nationals, their communities and their country. They are exemplary!
These organizations act Independently of Government and are held accountable and responsible for developing and implementing national policy for sport in their country. Should they discontinue their commitment to develop sports in their country and ultimately change the behavior of other believers?
However,Government Participation in Sport is paramount; the private and not-for-profit sectors also provide programs and funding that support participation and excellence in sport.
A new commission for sports in T&T would be needed to develop and implement a new national employer policy:
1. Step 1: Identify the Need for a Policy.
2. Step 2: Determine Policy Content.
3. Step 3: Obtain Stakeholder Support.
4. Step 4: Communicate with Employees.
5. Step 5: Update and Revise the Policy.
6. Express Requests.
The government is not an affiliate member of the IAAF or the IOC.
When the government assumes the role of Chef-de Mission it is in direct conflict with the IAAF/IOC principles.
The IAAF clearly defines its role in and vision for developing athletics across the world.
The IAAF invests more than $12 million annually in its development program. In addition, the IAAF works closely with other agencies throughout the world involved in developmental activities.
The IOC supports the TTOC Athletics with Solidarity funding.
The Puma ,The NGO,The Sagicor INS CO Supports the NAAA.
The New visual Role identity for the IAAF in Global Athletics:
1. Is to further the development of athletics everywhere.
2. To develop the role, vision and values in quality delivery of the IAAF.
3. To support and demonstrate the Importance of Vision Development through the eyes of the IAAF.
4. To professionalize the vision as an extraordinary large role in the overall development of international sport.
That's the dilemma created by this flamboyant postural position of the Government to drain funding from the National Monetary Coffers at the Ministry of Finance.
After the administrative blunders in mismanagement by the Board of Directors, the Government is not in a position to articulate a vision for Sport in Trinidad & Tobago .
Should this be fleshed out by the Ministry of Sport?
The Sport Ministry of Sport has no legal authority to stand on if challenged.
In such a situation should there be a Strategic Business Plan Outline?
Strategic planning is important to an organization because it provides a sense of direction and outlines measurable goals.
Strategic planning is a tool that is useful for guiding day-to-day decisions and also for evaluating progress and changing approaches when moving forward.
1. Mission objectives (short-term, mid-term and long-term),
2. A philosophy of sports,
3. Identification core values,
4. Methods of implementation of a plan,
5. A process for ongoing evaluation,
6. A due date for culminating results,
7. A change management plan, a communication plan,
8. The Development of a strategic business plan,
9. An aggressive data collection drive locally an internationally,
10. Statistically based data that evidences clearly stated policy and programs,
11. Institution of a monitoring and Evaluation system.
2. A philosophy of sports,
3. Identification core values,
4. Methods of implementation of a plan,
5. A process for ongoing evaluation,
6. A due date for culminating results,
7. A change management plan, a communication plan,
8. The Development of a strategic business plan,
9. An aggressive data collection drive locally an internationally,
10. Statistically based data that evidences clearly stated policy and programs,
11. Institution of a monitoring and Evaluation system.
Should the SPORT Commission establish a research division to investigate technology systems best practices at Local and international level?
The Sports Commission should establish a Research Center for Information Technology in corporation with the University of the West Indies.
Its task is to provide its affiliates, its sponsors and the public domain with the latest research findings in sports information technology.
Is the Trinidad & Tobago Sportts Company’s Mission Statement questionable and dysfunctional?
The Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. is the key sport implementation agency for the Ministry of Sport & Youth Affairs - its major stakeholder.
The two entities have the overall responsibility for the implementation of the goals and the objectives of the National Sport Policy.
The mission statement is to enrich our lives through total participation and quality training and excellence in sport.
Sports Organizations in Trinidad & Tobago appear to live in a world with administrative issues. Contributing organizations: The NAAA, TTFA, TTCF, TTCF, TTGA.
“We like it so”, “such is the norm in T&T” these assumed cultural behavior creates a need for disambiguation outside this box; the only assurance is that carnival will be held next year to subliminally ease the pain.
They co-exist with: firings, hirings, resignations. Legal actions, wrongful dismissals, nepotism, act of attrition, political impositions and resignations to a state of stoicism.
The Trinidad Tobago Sportt Company has a recorded performance history of the dismissal of Five CEO”S in Six Years.
The Trinidad Tobago Sportt Company has a recorded performance history of the dismissal of Five CEO”S in Six Years.
All disappeared without some reasonable form of explanation.
All CEO’s leaving the Company with no known or apparent motive, or basis for their departure.
Defensible speculations surfaced suggests: behaviors of non-compliance, possible acts of attrition. Or just pure tribalism based on kleptocractic principles.
The functional application projecting justifiable options of action, for the eviction process was the emotive position; “to spend more time with my family”. This is nothing short of a euphemism for “I cannot handle the situation any more”. “I fed up with dem” They become unresponsive language witnesses to the truth.
The functional application projecting justifiable options of action, for the eviction process was the emotive position; “to spend more time with my family”. This is nothing short of a euphemism for “I cannot handle the situation any more”. “I fed up with dem” They become unresponsive language witnesses to the truth.
Is there an apparent infestation behavioral performance issue here?
Should the sports company be abolished?
Its functions have demonstrated the non-existence of:
• Shared Values necessary to Achieve Excellence.
• Working together to achieve common goals.
• Following the rules of engagement.
• Proper sports management initiatives and accountability.
• Shaping the future of national sport.
• Shared Values necessary to Achieve Excellence.
• Working together to achieve common goals.
• Following the rules of engagement.
• Proper sports management initiatives and accountability.
• Shaping the future of national sport.
Is this a call for clearly time-honored codes of work ethics and the
Re-affirmation of trust in the narrative for the public domain?
The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to outline what is expected in order to maintain a professional and ethical workplace with high standards of best business practice values that will lead to a successful future for all nationals engaged in the development of sports in Trinidad & Tobago.
Should there be questions or feelings of uncertainty about non-compliance with anything stated in the Code of Ethics? Should he or she be encouraged to render an opinion without prejudice or fear of victimization by the Ethics Compliance Executive?
After all, the purpose of the Executive appointed is to address ethical issues that may arise at the company.
As employees of the Sports Company, should they not only be obligated to perform their jobs to the best of their competences, but should also have an ongoing obligation to properly conduct the mandate of the national portfolio, and to represent the sporting community within the level of professional dimensions?
The existing Sports Company has demonstrated symptoms of failure.
Its track record shows the functional operations are not Consistent with good Sports Management Governance.
The Sports Company is a Government sponsored non-profit Sport Organization.
It has been owned and operated by the existing State Government Legislature in power.
Because of this umbilical affiliation with the Government in power It has become a national liability.
Trump would say it is “a national disaster.” There are too many welfare recipient beneficiaries added to the state through this gangrene infected appendage.
It is imperative therefore, that the Sports Company be eliminated and replace by an Independent Sports Commission to conduct the affairs of sports in Trinidad and Tobago.
Given the history of mismanagement in the Sport Company
would the establishment of a Code of Ethics and its application require a clearly defined mandate?
would the establishment of a Code of Ethics and its application require a clearly defined mandate?
In light of an ongoing obligation to operate in a sound economical and efficient manner.
Would having outside business interest while serving Governmental interest lives in the arena to generated possible conflicts of interest?
Would having outside business interest while serving Governmental interest lives in the arena to generated possible conflicts of interest?
If so, then, would not this situation demands definitive and decisive action by the state to abort the Sports Company from its functional operations?
Looking forward, would the disbandment of the Sports Company have the potential for great accomplishments at the national, regional and international arena? If replaced by a Sports Commission?
This podium would accentuate a sustainable solution for sports development in Trinidad and Tobago. The line challenge is the development of sports throughout the national infrastructure.
This podium would accentuate a sustainable solution for sports development in Trinidad and Tobago. The line challenge is the development of sports throughout the national infrastructure.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK, Aug 16 (Reuters) - U.S.
President Donald Trump disbanded two high-profile business advisory councils on Wednesday after corporate CEOs quit in protest at his remarks blaming violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, not only on white nationalists but also on the protesters who opposed them.
Is there parallel behavior characteristics here or just impenetrable food for thought? Either way; there is argumentation and rhetoric!
Dr.Cliff Bertrand
Olympian/Former Sports Administrator NYC Board of Education.