Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Recently prime elite athletes were given 1.4 million dollars by the ministry of sports .the funding came with the sanctifications of the sports company. The athletes are to prepare themselves for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
 Compounding this assurance of dollars.  TTOC president acting as the alleged expert on sports is collecting money, pledged or otherwise, ostensibly to further assist elite athletes.
This TTOC president’s actions opportunistically project him as the
Self-proclaimed authority on the subject of predictableness of athletic performance and behavior.
 He is fully aware that “money cannot buy Olympic medals”. In spite of this, he has the cunning to convince the non-reading public that it is possible.
 However, “if money was an issue, Trinidad and Tobago would be outstripping Jamaica in gold medals instead of the other way around”.
 The argumentum ad nauseam in the press about the TTOC’S patriotic attempt to increase the number of gold medals won by our country from 2 to 10 by 2024 without a 30/30 plan is unconventional. It took the nation 64 years to win 2 Olympic gold medals. The idea comes with the “lack of big and bold vision “creditability, called veracity.
  T&T’S TRACK& FIELD talent pool is in recession,   the recently concluded 2016 CARIFTA games, Junior Pan Am Games, Primary school and Secondary school Championship results have comparatively showcased internationally poor and catastrophic performances.
The results asked the poignant question .where is the TTO talent to substantiate the bold assertion of entitlement to the TTOC’S Presidents’   claim?  No sensible person has questioned the veracity of the President’s assertion. The news media who is historically the overseer of society is in Self- denial.
It is difficult to keep up with all the hush-hush information about sensitive issues affecting the nation. The Alice in wonderland stories presented in the national media is astounding. The “I have a dream” concept should be carefully scrutinized. If this is so, then it would be advisable and advantageous to consult the Bible in search of Joseph the interpreter of dreams for the Pharaoh. His revelations saved the lives of many.
The TTOC President  said that they  “ will establish a think tank that will brainstorm strategic discussions with respect to finance, investment, communications, event planning, marketing, business development and public relations as it relates to the development of a sport business industry master plan and a unique selling proposition “. This is a double edged sword! How does this piece of available rhetoric not compromise implementation of urgent survival needs? How can this [BS] be recycled into facilitating our present need to solve the critical issue of a track field vacuum .we have no available runners to meet the demand.  Maslow preaches that needs from Primary through Tertiary will emerge and dominate the scene.
This is what we mean by saying that the basic human needs are organized into a hierarchy of relative prepotency' (Maslow, 1943, p. 375).
“Maximizing assets and investing in the future:  the need for immediate action, a new paradigm and a rethink.”
 The TTOC should “rethink” its investments to include the foundations of athletic capital. The Schools!
The issue is whether this is argumentative of how this was going to be achieved is beyond archaeologically documented statistical information. The oil barrel leaking!
 A Guru TTOC Pundit said that they “will be utilizing the services of foreign experts over an
18-month period to develop local athletes.” Where are the criteria method of selection?
Are they going to the homestead with itinerant workers to reap a fruitage?
 The T&T’S TRACK & FIELD talent pool is in recession. The 2016 CARIFTA Games, Junior Pan Am Games, Primary school and Secondary school championship results have internationally showcased their catastrophic performances.
There are five scheduled visits to wonderland to provide advice on athletic development. Paralleling the state of the national economy an economist said:
 “We don’t need anybody from outside to tell us what we need to look for.”
The grocery shelves are loaded with talent just waiting to be chosen for consumption?
To date all T&T Olympic track medalist has been American trained. They made their individual preparation provisions for competition via sources other than the national governing bodies.
These bodies have not been helpful. They dialogue with everyone except athletes who are directly involved.
Now another branch from the same tree of cunning emerges peddling fruits of hope beneath its leaves.
We have a problem. It is something very colonial.  We don’t think for ourselves. We do certain things to disguise our incompetence. We do things just to give the impression that we are engaged in an evocative movement. 
The reason for bringing the Canadian expertise into the picture by the TTOC President is::
To showcase and fulfill the IOC’S mandated requirement to project the image of the Olympism Agenda.  
 To deliberately mislead the densely inhabited intellectual community into believing that the TTOC is doing something in the best interest of athletic development.
To propel the hidden /ambitious agenda of the TTOC President Brian Lewis lobby Canada for the vacant PASCO position.
  It was aired that Canadian experts will visit Trinidad & Tobago 5 times over an 18- month period as part of the RIO athletic developmental program.  How on earth can the Minister of Sports, local intelligencia   and legal minds believe that Olympians can be developed over an 18 months period is  to question their reality.
Mr Brian Lewis’ perception of Going to Canada to get experts to develop our athletes is not doing his homework but skillfully providing the ground work for a PASCO resume. Canada is not known for developing athletes. This marketing strategy of Mr Lewis is putting the creditability and astuteness of sponsors and planners in T&T into an interrogatory position.
T&T should adopt the adventurous concept of Jamaica’s bob sledge and develop an ice hockey team bearing the Canadian stamp.
The Special Education Planners of this “IEP” need to consider the “IDEA” guidelines!  Instead they allow facilitators to conduct seminars for coaches and administrators.  
Will this move put athletes on the podium or is it an attempted justification of a misappropriation of funds?
 If this program is designed to develop athletic talent, what are the targeted youth groups? Are they dealing with the transitional elements from primary to secondary to tertiary school athletics?  Satisfying the curiosity of the chosen nonproductive club affiliates will not be beneficial.
Modify the “IEP”!  The Minister of Sports is a rookie in this game of non-political intervention.  
However, the Minister of Sports should not be caught between the reality of his exercise in office and the emotional persuasions of his ill-informed decision making advisors.
This kind of associate Colonial Marketing Strategy of volunteerism service establishes the need for close supervision of our Republican Government money.
 Dr Terrence Farrell, economist and chairman of the economic advisory board said: “there will be no rebound in oil prices anytime soon and this is a reality Trinidad and Tobago must face”.  
The TTOC like Alice, returns to the whimsical magical world of wonderland adventure and travels back in time  where they reunite with their old friends to learn of their true agenda resolution: to perpetuate  a  reign of Colonial cunning and deception to save the mad hatter/ athletics.
The TTOC like Alice “through the looking glass” now shows the objects behind the glass, a wonder that Trinidad Tobago with all the oil and gas money could not out run Jamaica at the Olympic Games since 1948.
The Oil barrel is leaking. Track & field like oil is diminishing in content, workers, production and costs.
 What is going to happen now? The Minister of Sports is ambitious, willing to please. That is his weakness! NSO’s are going to explore this avenue. When, Alice next meets the White Queen. The TTOC President parallels the Queen who appears to be absent-minded, boasts of and demonstrates an ability to remember future events before they have happened.10/24 Olympic Gold Medals. What are people outside this box thinking?
 Unknown to Alice and the TTOC, but speaking in a perfectly logical and evocative way are sign of the times ahead: the 2016   Carifta Games TTO standing 5th place. A drop  from Second Place. The Junior Pan Games three medals. Trinidad & Tobago athletics is in recession. Administrators are silently in denial!
Looking at the proposed 10/20 Olympic medal production line:
The 4x100 meters relay men have maxed out.  They no longer have the capability personnel to be promoted from 4th place to third.
The men 4x400 meter relay is short on ¼ milers.
Trinidad gas economy is depleting. The 4x400 cannot run on diesel oil. There is not enough energy reserve endurance to repeat.
This 4x4 vehicle (team) is running with 4 reinforced cylinders which can cease to function in any round.
Built up cylinders in hard economic times will render ill prepared decision makers actions null and void.
There was mass confusion in the board room over who should be running on the 2015 World Games 4x400 men meter relay team.                  
The result found runners placed in nonproductive running order. Because the selectors had no Gonads to call the shots. The decision almost became a distribution of physical combat engagement minutes before an important race.
The women 4x100 team is not without blame and its share of mismanagement and discontent is still burning.  The fire has since been wind driven by deflection.
The runners were not utilized with the best interest of TTO in mind. Selfishness wills exhale a non-pedestal performance probability. Socially stratified problems exist. The 10/24 medal haul is an unrealizable exercise.
These areas of psychological uneasiness must be addressed and rectified before thoroughgoing efforts can be achieved.
The TTOC’S Marketing Programs are geared to Administrators and Coaches. This comes across under the pretext of athletic development. This is an intentionally deliberative deception, the creative behavior of institutional development.
When no athletes are engaged in conversation, when they need identifying, motivation and nurturing and this is not inclusive, it is the building of structural corruption.
The alleged 18 months athletic developmental program is not observable.  Unconfirmed elite athletes are based in state and America.
 How are local athletes engaged when they are all in school?  The Data Utilization Tool is an easy way to learn where your data is, being used and which lines on your account are using it.
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?'
'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,' said the cat.
'I don't much care where -' said Alice.
'Then it doesn't matter which way you go,' said the cat.
'- so long as I get somewhere,' Alice added as an explanation.
'Oh, you're sure to do that,' said the cat, 'if you only walk long enough.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in  wonderland
Dr Cliff Bertrand
Olympian/ Former NCAA Div. 1 Track & Field Coach

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