Tuesday, June 21, 2016


When Mark Twain’s Trinidad and Tobago’s hosting of the trials of the reticent “World Gymnastics 2016.”Championship was an act of national humiliation.
 The judges were unconsciously or consciously manipulating the future of two young aspirant women where and while like two spent swimmers clinked together in their quest to champion the gymnastic colors of T&T. 
THE performances OF whom were held in a balance. They were to be judged by a preconceive panel of ill prepared judges. The judges were predisposed to best practices by selecting a winner before procedural   due process of open combat.
This day of ignominy was created by the   Trinidad and Tobago gymnastic federation and the TTOC. There is an association between insanity and genius when a mob with no regard for or knowledge of the law they represent.  Is the true psychical reality.
The judges displayed an eagerness to view these two performers. It was a Tragic flaw conducting a championship of this nature for the first time in Trinidad and Tobago. 
Co -Incidentally, it was also the first time Trinidad and Tobago nationals have qualified for a world gymnastics event. 
After the performances the judges concluded that they were the worst performances by any two competitors in the History of gymnastics.  This is the association’s history: Founded in 1991 , received  Government recognition in 1993. (TTAGA).Name changed October 2010 from TTAGA to Trinidad and Tobago Gymnastics Federation (TTGF). Affiliated to the Pan American Gymnastics Union (PAGU) And the International Gymnastics Federation (IGF) / (FIG). Their history suggests that their statement as impulsive. They are not qualified to make such a statement
Keep in mind the highest score a gymnast could achieve for any routine is 10.00.  Before we get to “What’s wrong” about the scores of the two performers.
 Review what the judges had to say: 
The level of difficulty of the routines were extremely low (0.01)
The routines were technically flawed
The sequences were disconnected and disjointed
The routine lacked poised, form, and structure
“It’s a fact that since Williams has qualified, she hasn’t been consistent leading up to tests event while Marissa has.”
The Lue Shue Function of Inciting Incident to stimulate, to catalyze the protagonist to take action or go home. This jolted the protagonist out of her daily routine as it is an event that sparks the fuse of a plot. It is also necessary to happen for a pending court action to kick in.
 It was no surprise that the gymnastics federation achieved a combined score of 0.01 Out of 10.00.
 To my repulsion, the Olympic committee achieved a score of 0.02 out of 10.00.   The presence of Mr. Brian Lewis made the difference.  Mr. Lewis has been hood twinkling titanite to the population with:
10 gold medals by 2024
Multibillion dollar sports industry by 2030
Good Governance
The threat of invoking “clause 13”
The thought of invoking psychological damage “Trinidad and Tobago due to make decision  following Rio 2016 gymnastics row”
While Mr. Lewis is extremely articulate on making pronouncements,
 He is in turn equally deficient in giving details of whom, how, why and when.
 He calculatingly avoids details.  He as TTOC President should realize that his statements must be supported by information knowledge and facts, not the voice of an impressive article read.
On the issue of good governance, President Lewis and his nonexistent   Olympic Committee must practice what is expected of others.  In his own words, he has indicated that “public confidence in the selection process of the RIO 2016 games has been shaken.” It is not the process it is the leadership!
The TTOC President, Mr. Brian Lewis indicated in a previous article that the TTOC will make a decision. Please check your constitution!
 The fact of the matter is that the TTOC had no decision to make.   For all intent and purposes, the decision was made for the TTOC.  Mr. Lewis in his pronouncement acknowledged that “the International Gymnastic Federation had thrown the TTOC under the bus with its April 29 correspondence.” He insinuated “for reasons best known to themselves”. Does this suggest that Mr. Lewis is ignorant of the international implication of his statement?
The (fig) intervention was called “curious” by TTOC President Lewis.
  What is Mr. Brian Lewis saying?
Is he actually saying that the Federation of International Gymnastic ran rough shed over the TTOC? 
IS he actually and emphatically saying is it that (FIG) usurped the authority of the TTOC?
 WHAT IS Mr. Brian Lewis actually saying?
 It now becomes the responsibility of Mr. Lewis to explain what he means by “reasons best known to themselves”. Is he the TTOC President, implying that the (fig) was – “in the pocket”?
 Why does Mr. Lewis describe the (fig) intervention as “curious”?
To add insult to injury acting as a person with a concealed political purpose/ agenda Mr. Lewis is now hanging a “big stick” over the head of the Trinidad and Tobago gymnastic federation.
Speaking with the determinant ambitions of Lady Macbeth, Mr. Lewis added, that “the TTOC reserves the right to evoke clause 13 of the TTOC constitution to levy sanctions on the TTGF, which could include penalties like suspensions and expulsion.” Is this a leadership threat?
 One wonders whether or not the TTGF knew of “clause 13” of the constitution.
 Prior to Mr.Lewis’s insinuations, did he disclose the implications to the TTGF of the consequences of invoking clause 13 weeks and months ago?
Is Mr Brian Lewis applying the “if, then” Pythagoras principle of law?
 Did he inform the Federation that if he did not show compassion in exercising /demonstrating “good governance”, clause 13 would apply?  Is this an implied threat or a blatant blackmail proposition? Or did Mr. Brian Lewis advance the “God Father Style” approaches to leadership.
However, if one assumes that what Mr. Lewis said about the (FIG) is true, then one would have no choice but to conclude that the (FIG) also deserves a score of 0.01 out of 10.00 for their routine. This assumption is an insult to their integrity   .
The Sports Company has allocated funding to the Trinidad and Tobago Gymnastic Federation. 
This is an irrevocable deal set into motion while the TTOC is “reserving its rights to invoke clause 13 on the TTGF.”  How is it possible for the (3) organizations to deal with a situation so despicably imbalanced? 
The TTGF is pathetically   lacking in judgment, social justice and guilty of discrimination.
 The TTGF executive should be “called out” to task; the local media should post photo ids in the tabloids.  They must not be allowed to hide anymore. 
When the alleged injury was first reported?
Who is the manager that reported MS Williams’s injury?
 Who physically/medically examined MS Williams to make such an evaluation? 
What was the nature of the injury?
 Where is the medical certificate? 
 The TTGF have been an actively willing accomplice to the greave injustices perpetuated against two talented young women.
This behavior psychologically placed two young women in a family feud against each other.
 The Humiliation an embarrassment created by the TTGF Executive Member officials deserved their voluntary removal from the sporting environment.
From all indications Mr. Lewis and his invisible website   TTOC Executive committee imposed and delegated with the authority for the selection of team TTO has failed despondently. This action is not consistent with the best practices of “Good Governance “.
The issue is whether the TTOC has the authority to select teams or individuals when their job is one of facilitator?  The TTOC has taken on posture of bullying.
“Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee set to approve addition of good governance commitment in constitution”
 Sir Sebastien Coe is requesting “Good Governance” in TTOC practice.
Trinidad and Tobago due to make decision following Rio 2016 gymnastics row Congratulations!!! to Marisa Dick. Williams:    “I was not injured”.
Dr Cliff Bertrand
Two jurisdiction Hall of Famer Trinidad and Tobago and New York University,
 Two Era Olympian. West Indies Federation (1960) and Trinidad and Tobago (1964).
 Arima,  street named after me in recognition of my achievements.

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